what a busy autumn 2016

Post date: 19-Nov-2016 11:30:15

Its always nice to have new members and we have several new starters this autum, enriching the family feel we aim for. Also Congratulations to Max and Tom who both graded to yellow belt last week.

Some of us went to visit the ZJF Bognor Regis club for an october Saturday, a chance to meet our IGAS friends, to share knowledge and practice with each other. A really interesting session on Counters run by David and Martin , was followed by a look at some similarities between different martial arts, Jim as usual, giving us a opportunity to think outside of the usual syllabus.

On the social side, the Halloween session was fun, with some gruesome fancy dress and excellent face painting, I'm not sure if the highlight was Jason and his fake hand or Robbie doing the entire session in his rabbit onesie. Warm up routines and the session were based around zombie attack, with zombie tipping (yoko ashe gake) and some generic self defence from ghouls and monsters, followed by games of Spiders.

On Nov 5th we had our bonfire night fireworks party, everybody contributed towards the fireworks and food, thank you all, the hundred shot professional finale was awesome, as were many of the desserts.